While exceptional talent, as well as a keen eye for composition clearly abounds, one professional photographer from Sarasota, Florida, has propelled her career beyond local and regional boundaries, earning recognition for her work internationally in prestigious book as featured in Barrons Educational series, Willow Creek and Brown Trout calendars and magazines with worldwide circulation 

Connie’s photography has appeared on the cover of Dog World and Rottweilers magazines. Her work also has been published in Dog Fancy, the breed books in Barron’s Educational Series, and both calendars and books published by Willow Creek Press and Brown Trout Publishing. One of Connie’s own dogs, Angel, has appeared on the cover of a Labradoodle handbook and also on the cover of one of Brown Trout Publishing’s calendars in 2009.

Receiving a first-place award as the “Best Local Pet Photographer” in Sarasota Pet’s Choice Awards in 2012, and first-place as the "Best photographer/artist" in the Nattie Awards, Connie’s work frequently has appeared on the cover and in the pages of Sarasota Pet and Manatee Pet magazines. Receiving the "Giving Heart" award from Cat Depot Rescue for helping cats find forever homes.  
Connie's passion for pet photography has led to a fulfilling and award-winning career. In addition to photographing pets, Connie has extensive experience photographing weddings, sporting events, and portraits.

Connie is currently President of Bay Professional Photographers Association, a member of Professional Photographers of America and Florida Professional Photographers.


 2012 ***Best Pet Photography Sarasota Pet Choice Awards
 2012 ***#1 Pet Photographer/Artist Nattie Awards

 2013 ***Best Pet Photography Sarasota Pet Choice Awards

 2018 *** "Giving Heart Award" from Cat Depot Rescue